Healing arts practitioner (ayurveda/yoga)

helping women reclaim the juiciness of life


“Ojas” is a Sanskrit word used in Ayurveda that translates to “the vital energy” (physically and metaphorically) that governs our body’s immunity, strength, digestion, and overall wellbeing. I call Ojas “the juiciness of life” and I help women radically reclaim it through transforming their relationship with food, movement, body image, and self-care.

I meet my clients where they’re at.

I work with real people, living real lives. Where life is busy, time is money, and carving out intention in one’s day—be it through movement, nourishment, or simply sipping a cup of tea—will make a world of difference in cultivating and sustaining health and harmony.

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to health and well being. Every journey is unique and I am here to provide the support and tools you need to live a well-nourished, balanced, and expansive life.

“I felt lighter and more energetic after working with Erinn. Her program was designed specifically for me and I could feel it in my body. The time spent realigning with my health went by with ease and grace thanks to clear and concise guidance provided by Erinn!”

— Sarah H., Reno, NV


nice to meet you—I’m Erinn

I am an Ayurvedic Nutrition Consultant (NAMA Educated | National Ayurvedic Medical Association), advanced yoga practitioner (500 E-RYT), and multidisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles, California. What I love most is bringing the ancient gifts of Ayurveda and Yoga into people’s lives in modern and practical ways and watching them transform their inner and outer worlds. I believe we all have the capacity to be our own healers and my goal is to work myself out of a job…to witness a world where we’re all informed, empowered and activated to reclaim health and vitality as our birthright.

  • Ayurvedic Health Advisor, Sarasvati Institute a National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) Certified School

    Indigenous Herbal Medicine Mentorship with Xálish Medicines

    Ongoing Herbal Medicine Training with the Herbal Academy

  • 50-HR Yin Yoga, Yoga Salt

    200-HR Traditional Yoga, Red Diamond

    300-HR Ayurvedic Yoga, Sarasvati Institute

  • BA in Advanced Media Studies & Minor in Cultural Anthropology, University of Nevada

a very brief history

I healed my body with Ayurveda after nearly 15 years of disordered eating brought on by complex PTSD and frankly a general lack of knowledge about health and nutrition. No one ever taught me how to take care of my body in that regard. How to self-soothe. What to eat. How to prioritize my mental health, etc.

When I reached the end of my rope, I became my own healer. I studied for years, obtaining various certifications and attending in-depth trainings in my free time when I wasn’t running my other business as a creative director. I never knew I had the intention to share my story and education with others. My goal was simple: to take my health into my own hands. And when I did, my life changed dramatically. I started channeling my gifts and creativity more clearly, prioritizing my health (mental and physical), healing my digestion and my relationship with my body, learning how to cook nutritious meals that were aligned for me, aligning with my purpose, and just overall basking in the juiciness of life. I had unearthed and rebuilt my Ojas—my “essence of vitality” as translated from Sanskrit. Through this experience and the gifts and knowledge handed down to me through Ayurveda, I was inspired to share and guide others along in their own unique journey to living a well-nourished and expansive life.

My mission is to see people empowered with the ability to self-heal at every level—mind, body, and soul. 

My methods to help individuals reap the overwhelming benefits of whole-body health and well being are rooted in modern application and deeply personalized care. Through pragmatic, tactical and measurable action steps, we will create the space for miraculous results.

I owe a debt of gratitude to my teachers, those who have come before me, and those who have taught me directly. These ancient practices are not mine, and I cannot claim them as my own, they are part of a greater wisdom tradition with ancient roots, and I am one small branch on a great tree that has grown from these deep indigenous roots.

Client Impact Stories

  • EXPANDED TESTIMONIAL: “For years I told myself that I needed a shift. A major, life-improving, holistic shift. I knew I had reached total burnout as I closed out my 20s and entered my 30s, working around the clock and slowly letting all my once-healthy habits and hobbies fade away to stress, obligation and a general sense of self-loathing. Throw the pandemic on top of everything and life seemed flat and uncertain. I desired, more than anything, to find ways to work less, prioritize my self-love and self-care, eat better, more nutritious and healthy foods, lose weight (this was a big one for me), move my body and get active, and generally shift the energy around my daily habits and patterns that had become toxic and no longer served the enlightened evolution of my mind, body, or spirit. I had plateaued for too long, and I knew I needed to make a change, but diets seemed unlasting and superficial, and no matter how many at-home yoga programs I bookmarked on my computer, and told myself I’d eventually do, I never felt like I had the energy or inspiration to get started.

    Breakthrough finally came when I tried a 12-day Ayurvedic Panchakarma cleanse under the expert guidance of Erinn Sullivan. This was my first cleanse, ever! Erinn held the space for me as she brilliantly explained both the scientific and spiritual benefits of Ayurveda and the balance of the Doshas, pairing healthy plant-based foods with specific and quick daily rituals for self-love and self-care. She prepared an in-depth, personalized cleanse guide for me with the instructions A-Z, and it all made complete sense. In fact, it resonated on a deeper level that felt almost karmic, like my body actually yearned to try Ayurveda…so, I dove in!

    The 12-day cleanse changed my life. The program felt like an initiation into a new way of being— a new way of eating and shaping my day-to-day routine that centered on balancing my mind, body, and spirit. By the end of the cleanse, I had lost the 12 pounds I had gained during the pandemic. My sleep had dramatically improved after a decade of terrible insomnia. I felt more beautiful - lighter in my body, happier, healthier, clearer, and more at peace with my life.

    The plant-based recipes that Erinn prepared for me have now become weekly staples of my diet; I've been able to continue on with a daily yoga practice and greater mindfulness around how I’m feeling and what my body needs from me. In essence, Erinn gave me all the tools to radically and easily transform my life through the power of Ayurveda. The experience has been deeply healing on many levels, but perhaps the greatest gift has been finding a holistic health practitioner in Los Angeles, Erinn, who can so scientifically and intuitively hone in on what my body needs most. I am beyond grateful to be working with such a devoted practitioner to support my continued wellness journey.

    From my first consultation to the very last, Erinn’s cleanse program that was customized specifically for me and my Doshas felt in complete alignment. Just like that, with total ease and grace, I had broken my cycle of inaction and finally embraced something truly transformational. Ayurvedic living has given me tools to last a lifetime.”

    — Keely H. Badger, Human Rights Professional, Los Angeles, CA

  • EXPANDED TESTIMONIAL: “I was so excited to take this Ayurvedic journey with Erinn leading the way. I can’t speak enough to how informative, thorough, thought-provoking and truly easy she made her program.

    My biggest take-away was a realization that I had the power to heal and care for my body, something that seems so easy to forget on a day-to-day basis. Erinn was gentle, eager and always available for questions and thoughts. My gut issues were almost immediately resolved with a few small changes in the beginning, and she seamlessly eased me into the remaining days of the cleanse in such a sophisticated and holistic way. I felt spoiled and cared for in every way and could not be more grateful for Erinn and everything I learned and healed. I would highly recommend Erinn’s gut cleanse program and I cannot wait for my next one when the time comes!”

    — Stephanie Pavlik, Producer, Los Angeles

  • EXPANDED TESTIMONIAL: “I drank, at least, one full pot of coffee a day before the cleanse. What is funny, is that I wasn’t looking to change that, I didn’t think I needed to, or could. I knew it would be a challenge to quit caffeine for the cleanse, but I told myself I would happily get back to it once the cleanse ended. I might still drink coffee sometime, but I literally haven’t wanted to. It’s been the strangest thing. I had no interest to quit coffee but certainly an admittance that I should be able to do it for the length of the cleanse. What a lesson that my body wanted to relay to me! I drink chai tea a little now, but literally, it used to be several shots of espresso and/or coffee all day until 4 pm or so.

    As a vegan I found the cleanse to be so powerful as a reminded of why I am vegan after 12 years. Veganism never felt so good as through the lens of Erinn’s Aryuvedic Cleanse.

    On a serious note, I have truly needed an introspective journey, guided by an absolute pro. I want to mention that I suffer from depression and I often tell myself I’m going to focus on myself, but I don’t, its hard! I had no idea how much this cleanse would also benefit my mental health. That is my favorite ripple from taking this cleanse, it’s realigned my empowerment over myself. I was reminded: I can do things that make me feel good, that are hard, but that are so worth it for my body and mind. I am so grateful for the constant guidance and support from start to finish. It’s not just about saying you are going to do a cleanse. I’ve done that so many times, I’ve succeed at a few (failed at more) and it doesn’t compare to what this is. This is a realignment. This program is about KNOWING you are going to succeed at the best cleanse in the world; if you only do what Erinn says (and be honest and ask for help!). Everything she said was truer than the last. I will take this cleanse twice a year for the rest of my life, and I’m excited for each one.”

    — Allison Francis, Musician and Operations Director, Reno, Nevada

“Erinn guided me through my cleanse with loving support and understanding at every phase. She was endlessly knowledgeable and encouraging.”

— Carmen Gilbert, Las Vegas, NV

Are you a yoga studio or a retreat center/leader booking Ayurvedic/Yoga practitioners?

Please reach out below to inquire about my B2B partnerships and rates.